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Biodiesel Cots Optimizer


  • The Biodiesel Cost Optimizer is a software tool calculating the Least Cost biodiesel blend of the day matching the Biodiesel Standard of choice.
  • The Biodiesel Cost Optimizer model calculates the lowest cost formula given a set of possible raw materials with a known price, target specification constraints (EN 14214 or ASTM D6751-07b for example), and specific weather conditions (two available strategies can be followed when developing winter biodiesel formulas: max. CFPP or maximum amount of saturated and Trans fatty acid methyl esters).
  • The calculation gives optimal values for Cetane Number (CN), kinematic Viscosity, Combustion energy, and Iodine Value (IV). The Biodiesel Cost Optimizer also supplies estimates for Oxidation Stability Index (O.S.I.) and Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP), assuming that fair average quality raw materials are used. The last two estimates are based on proprietary non-linear models covering real life data; most other calculations are based on linear models.
  • Make your FREE trial of the Biodiesel Cost Optimizer
    Send up to eleven raw materials (please give the full fatty acid composition) with raw material prices; indicate the Biodiesel Standard of reference (EN14214 or ASTM6751): Request for FREE trial of the Biodiesel Cost Optimizer
  • Main application areas for the Biodiesel Cost Optimizer
    1. Trading support and help in deciding on which raw materials to buy for making biodiese; (corrections can easily be made for refinery losses
    2. Blending support: helps identifying missing raw materials or FAME to be added to specific blends to make a perfect match with the biodiesel standard
    3. Strategy development for decision making on additivation with antioxidants and/or crystallization inhibitors or modifiers
    4. Tool to identify price premiums for blends having exceptional quality specifications
    5. Planning and searching for new raw materials or used oils or fats with known fatty acid composition
    6. Training support: the Biodiesel Cost Optimizer helps better understanding the relationship between the raw material related biodiesel specifications .

Biodiesel Cost Optimizer information and price quote request



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Biodiesel Cost Optimizer

Biodiesel blending
Biodiesel Cost Optimizer software

Biodiesel Cost Optimizer

Biodiesel Cost Optimizer information and price quote request


Biodesel Cost Optimizer information pack

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